Distance Learning

Palo Alto College offers various online academic programs and courses to provide access to first-rate faculty and top-quality academics in a convenient, flexible format offered entirely online. Throughout the courses, students will use interactive video conferencing and video streaming to interact with peers and instructors. Orientations, websites, and access to Canvas are available via ACES

Before enrolling in an online course or pursuing an online program, students should meet with an academic advisor

Course Log In

To access your online course(s):

  1. Log in to ACES.
  2. Click on the "My Courses" tab and choose the current semester.
  3. Click on the class link. The link will lead to class information posted by the instructor or into the Canvas introduction page for a course.

Set Up Your Canvas Notification Preferences

Canvas can reach out to you in a variety of ways about updates to your online course. From within Canvas, you can choose how (and how often) you want to be notified of updates in your course. These updates can be a new message from your instructor or classmates, an announcement, a posted grade or feedback, changes to the course content, and much, much more. To learn more about setting up your notification preferences in Canvas, view this Canvas Guide.


Online Programs


Grievance procedures

Out-of-State Student Grievances PAC Student Grievances

Learning Resources for Distance Learning Students


Technical Support for Distance Learning Students


Procedures to Protect the Privacy of Distance Learning Students


Contact Information

Amanda Harrison 
Director of the Teaching & Learning Center
